Sunday, October 19, 2008

Oh the RACES we will go...

Bo and I went to the dirt track races in Baker, FL last night. Still tasting red mud...mmmmm. We had a great time though. A couple of friends of ours were racing. It was neat to watch Bo enjoy a race for a change. Usually he is in a car, racing himself, and I hardly see him the whole night. This track had a band, inflatables (for the kids), everyone was having a great time.

E and M's lemonade stand was great. They did not have a lot of traffic, so boredom came fast. But they hung in there. They enjoyed the lemonade and snacks themselves for sure. They had a great time making the posters the night before and putting them up around the island. The wind was really cool when they got started. Maybe we should have had Hot Chocolate instead.

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